Okay, this really is the final update on this. Last week, I wore the newly replaced Grammici shorts to Camp McDowell for the Your Town workshop (always very casual). Things were going along fine and then, all of a sudden, my shorts got really loose. I looked down and, sure enough, the buckle had frayed at the exactly same spot. I managed to hold them up until I got back to my room and changed into some pants. I called Alabama Outdoors and talked to someone in charge. She was very nice, apologized, explained that they were having problems and had gotten additional returns. I told her that I had found complaints about the shorts online as well. She offered to give me a full refund. I stopped by, I asked to see her and the person at the front counter immediately knew what my problem was as the person I had spoken to on the phone had told him. I got a full refund with no hassle. I’ve changed my mind and will continue to shop at Alabama Outdoors. I’m still very disappointed about the initial experience, but will chalk it up to one bad apple. I will wait a while before shopping there again, but I’m pleased that they finally got the customer service right.
Well, I got a call from Alabama Outdoors this morning. It seems my shorts have come back from the manufacturer repaired and ready for me to pick up at no charge. (Read about my original experience and problems with Alabama Outdoors here.) The person on the phone was very polite and even told me that, yes, they had had an additional return that had the exact same problem on the very day that I brought my shorts in. (Of course, that’s not what the young man behind the counter told me.)
Anyway, I’m planning to pick up my shorts either today or tomorrow. I think that the end result is okay–I got my shorts back and they should be in proper working order. I’m not happy with the way I was treated, however, and plan to avoid going back to Alabama Outdoors in the future. Instead of doing my shopping at Alabama Outdoors, I plan to shop at Mountain High Outfitters. They are actually probably more convenient anyway–located right next to Whole Foods. I hate not going back to Alabama Outdoors–I loved that store for years (almost 20). I have lots of stuff from that store that holds lots of fond memories. But, I can’t stand bad customer service. In the day and age of internet shopping, the main thing a local store can offer is personal service. Without that, they are doomed.