Website (really, websites) in progress. Initial redesign included new logo, complete overall of website design, color scheme. Now working on developing a pretty large resource directory that includes information towns across Alabama can utilize to make their communities more livable. Also creating a tourism database of attractions and recurring events for each of the 25+ towns that are part of the Alabama Communities of Excellence (ACE) program.
Amazing Old Hinson Family Photo
Have taken a little time off this holiday season and have been scanning old family photos. Brother-in-law Bill Till found this particularly awesome photo of my grandmother, Sadie Hinson, in his ancestry research. Never seen it before. (She is the one with the guitar)

Sitting: Sadie Lou, Clarence Grower
Standing: George Garland, Norman Braswell, Willie Inez
Photo Album from Octagon
Pages 1-10 of an old photo album from Octagon, Alabama. Hinson Family photos.
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Your Town Alabama Redesign
One of my oldest clients / favorite projects: Your Town Alabama. Created a website back in 2001, changed it in around 2007 and then moved it to Moveable Type in 2009 or so. Finally got around to porting it to WordPress. Much easier to work with interface on the back end–obviously. Simple, clean look on the front end. Regular updates to the site; functional calendar of events for lots of statewide, regional and national conferences…
The Herons of East Lake Park
Interpretive Panel developed for the Birmingham Audubon Society in conjunction with the Alabama Birding Trails project.
TARCOG Website Redesign
Just finished a draft of the Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments (TARCOG) website. Still some changes to make and a few compatibility issues to overcome (thanks Internet Explorer 7!), but looking good so far. Lots of capacity built in, including some cool mapping features. All built in WordPress, of course!