Graduation Day. Mama, Cynthia?, and Papa (love those gloves Mama was wearing). And look, the handbag matches her shoes. Very stylish.
The First Swimming Pool in Octagon, Alabama?
Wow! I didn’t realize that we were among the first families to enjoy a beautiful above-ground swimming pool. Here sisters Julia and Madeline enjoy a cool and refreshing dip in the luxury pool in the front yard. (I’m not sure what this large tub was meant to be–maybe a cow watering tub?)
Those must have been the days!
Swinging in the 1970’s
Who Are These Children
A Cold Day in August: Snow in Octagon
Well, this was actually January 1964 and the person shown is my sister Margaret. Nothing like a good hot summer day in August in Birmingham, Alabama to make you wish for and appreciate the cold snow found in January in Octagon, Alabama. I wonder how many times it has actually snowed there. This is in front of our house in Octagon, Alabama: the house my mother (Inez Hinson Watts) was raised in as were all of my siblings.