WIlliam Sylvester Skinner, Joseph Gustavus Watts, William Lauren Skinner, William Skinner Watts, Annie Townsend Skinner Watts, Clark Etheldred Watts, Barvel Haddox Watts
Photo taken in 1934. This was found in an envelope with the names of all those in the photo listed. Let this be a reminder to you, IF YOU HAVE PHOTOS, BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE NAMES OF PEOPLE IN THEM!
New Scanner, New Photos
How exciting. I got my new scanner hooked up today. I should be working, but I just couldn’t resist taking a few minutes to play with it (it is, by the way, great so far).
Alabaster man keeps WWII veterans’ oral histories alive on DVDs
I found this to be really interesting. Wish we had done it with my dad. It would be great to do it for others. There are so many stories out there and they are disappearing so quickly. (Ann has taken to noting how many WWII vets are listed in the obits each day–and there are ALWAYS several. So many amazing stories disappearing every day.
An Alabaster man is passionate about preserving World War II
veterans’ stories for future generations.
Three years ago, Jeff Beabout took his camcorder to the
home of a veteran who shared how he trained as an infantry
officer, survived combat, returned to marry his sweetheart
and became a lawyer.
What’s Blogging to Me
Wow. It’s been 4 months since I started typing things into this little box. I’ve found it to be enjoyable, for the most part. I haven’t really had much trouble coming up with something to say–even when that something has been basically nothing!
The other day, I was talking to a friend who got me to thinking a little more about exactly what I was doing. And, in a large part, I guess what I’m doing is taking the daily conversations that I had with my Mom and putting them on the internet for all to read (or for the few who actually visit to read).
I talked to Mama almost every day for the last 3-4 years of her life. To get a better understanding of just how much Mama meant to me, read my Mother’s Day Tribute to Mama. Those are conversations that I’ll always treasure, not so much for their content as, like this blog, they were more random thoughts and day-to-day happenings than anything else. We talked a lot about food. I’d tell her what we had for dinner and she’d tell me about a book she was reading. Nothing dramatic, just life. I miss that.
So, really in large part, this blog has become my outlet for talking about life’s little things, from the newsletter that I’m finishing up or a meeting I had to what we had for dinner (which, by the way, was fabulous).
The other thing that the blog has allowed me to do is share old photos and memories with my broader family. It’s amazing to me just how much my friends, many who I do work for, mean to me. I look back at the last 8 years of my life (when I started working for myself–yes, I’ve worked for myself longer than I worked for anyone else) and realize that so many of the people that I consider friends now started out as business clients. I think I’m lucky that many of the folks I do work for have come to consider me a bit more than someone who works with them.
In terms of sharing things–like old photos–I bought a new scanner last week, so I’m really looking forward to getting it set up and moving. Lots and lots of photos to scan.
Siamese-Tabby Update
Ann took the cat to the vet yesterday. It spent the night and we’ll pick it up today. It had not been spayed, so we’re especially thankful we caught it. (No need for 4-6 kittens.) Otherwise, it appears in good health–no feline leukemia or any other problems that the vet noted. Gave it all her shots and dewormed her, too. She’ll be back this afternoon. Ann’s taken to calling her “Thing.” She’s beautiful and sweet and extremely loving.
She just needs a good home with someone who will love her and give her the attention she needs. She’s calmed down a good bit since the first night and the vet says that spaying her will calm her down more.
Found: A Beautiful Siamese-Tabby Mix
We’ve been watching this cat for the past two weeks. It acted like a stray cat, so we had planned to trap it and have it spayed and then release it. Turns out it is clearly someone’s pet. We’re trying to find out who that could be. Must have gotten out accidentally a couple of weeks ago. It is EXTREMELY friendly and pretty talkative. It appears to have already been spayed.