So very good. More photos to follow later! This was the first picture posted on the way home from a wonderful trip to Paris, France.
A New Baby in the family
What a wonderful thing. So much sadness in the world and in our family these last few years, it is a good thing to have a beautiful baby girl to come in and brighten the world.
My niece, Dawn, just had a baby girl!
Marcella Renee Dailey
Date of Birth: June 21, 2009
Time of Birth: 5:04 p.m.
Weight: 8 pounds 5 ounces
Length: 20 1/4″
Top picture: new Mom Dawn with Marcella (that, by the way, was my mother’s first name, though she was always called Inez, or more frequently, Mama!).
Bottom picture: Morgan, my very first great niece (and yes, she is great) with Marcee.
Back from a Trip to D.C.
Sunday Mornings
Had a great workshop at Camp McDowell earlier this week. Your Town Alabama’s 10th year of workshops. Met some great folks and reconnected with lots more.
Not much to say, but did make several tasty dishes last weekend. Here are two (Shrimp and Grits with Fried Green Tomatoes and Copper River Salmon with Fried Corn Salsa)

What a Hectic Time
Well, I’ve been quite a bit less than diligent about updating my blog lately. It isn’t for lack of activity–it is for lack of time!
I just finished a newsletter for the American Mining Insurance Group, I have been working on a website blog (using wordpress) for Holmestead Farms outside of Marion, Alabama, I’ve been doing some routine updates for Brombergs, Underwoods and Alabama Communities of Excellence as well as my usual Your Town Alabama work.
Discovered that the mailing company that has been handling the Sierra Club’s bi-monthly newsletter is shutting their doors for good (we’ve been planning to go to an all digital newsletter anyway, so this may simply speed up that process).
I’ve been playing around of flickr a bit more and trying to get a handle on twitter (I now have several accounts). The biggest thing though, is our home renovations. Cousin Kevin “Chunk” Mitchell brought a beautiful armoire to our house on Friday night. Beautiful but EXTREMELY HEAVY! It weighs 750 pounds and will house our television soon. For now it is living in our dining room. We’re done with painting the dining room and we have our new Bear Creek Glass Chandelier hung (see below for a full room view and a closeup of the hand blown globe!). But the biggest news of all, I think, is that we’ve decided to go with the Marvin windows. Casement all-wood windows in our living and dining rooms. Very excited!
Black Belt Adventure Part II
Friend Ben Burford and I took another fun trip into the Black Belt: this time to Selma, Old Cahaba (Cahawba), Marion and Greensboro, Alabama. Check out my flickr page for more photos or read about our first adventure on Ben’s blog.