New website for the Alabama Trails Foundation. This nonprofit is working to make access to trails across Alabama a priority.

More than you ever wanted to know about Alabama native Joe Watts
by joewatts
New website for the Alabama Trails Foundation. This nonprofit is working to make access to trails across Alabama a priority.
by joewatts
My friends at CAWACO RC&D are very probably my oldest clients. I think I did a print newsletter for them around 2000, just as I was getting started. I built their first website for them a LONG time ago too, back in the days when websites were built using tables and everything was hard coded and static. Wow have times changed. Now, their website collects final reports from the grants they provide and displays them along with photos–making sure to highlight the many wonderful projects that they’ve helped make possible and taking away some of the effort to do so from staff.
by joewatts
Working with the University of Alabama and the Alabama RC&D Councils, I helped to develop the Alabama Mound Trails website. There are a large number of mounds documented throughout Alabama. The ones on the trail are safe to direct visitors to.
by joewatts
This website provides access to many features previously unavailable for hikers in Alabama, with the ability to showcase actual trail maps, find locations based on amenities, activities, or a combination of them. The site is fully responsive and maps all locations, including radius views of amenities such as lodging, food and supplies within a 25 mile radius of each location.
by joewatts
by joewatts