More than you ever wanted to know about Alabama native Joe Watts
by joewatts
by joewatts
Just did a revision on the Alabama Trails Commission’s website for their 2014 Alabama Trails Conference:
Here’s a screenshot of the front page. Includes agenda and basic information. Online registration is taking place off site at the University of Alabama servers.
by joewatts
An updated website for the Greene County Industrial Development Authority. (
Turned out nicely: needed a simple, clean logo and an easy to use interface (wordpress).
by joewatts
Finished a website for the city of Fayette a few weeks ago. Turned out looking great!
by joewatts
Just sent out the first newsletter for our East Alabama Tourism group. Turned out pretty good. Here’s a snapshot of the top portion of the newsletter. Click the image for the full version. We also have a website developed for them:
by joewatts
Just finished a quick redesign for the Rural Heritage Center in Thomaston, Alabama. Redesigned using, as I pretty much do all websites now, in WordPress. Very flexible, very simple. Now, they can make their own updates!