Lots of good stuff going on with Alabama’s Scenic Byways program. Yesterday, we met to review grant applications for five projects and rank them according to a combination of factors. Very exciting to see the projects we’ve been working on since 1999 taking root in the local community and moving forward. Byways have some of the best potential to generate quality tourism in Alabama, particularly in the more rural sections. We also approved a logo for the byways program. Similar design to what I originally did, but we added an additional pine cone. Interestingly enough, in doing research on branding destinations, I’ve found that the general consensus is that people spend the most time and effort on developing a logo and a logo is one of the least important features of community branding.
Today, I’m off to Marion, Alabama to talk to the Cahaba Trace Commission about their interest in a scenic byway along their route. We’re up to seven state scenic byways and three national byways, now, so the pressure to build the program is still there, but not as great as it was when we only had one. While in Marion, I’ll take advantage of the trip and do a little photography of some of the architecture and landscapes for potential use on the Southwest Alabama Regional Tourism website: alabamasfrontporches.org.