This newsletter is one that I do only about 2 times each year. It is a pretty good sized newsletter with lots of input, so it takes a while to complete: very pleased with this issue, both design-wise and content-wise. We managed to add in more reference, teaching-oriented information into this issue than ever before (at least since I’ve been doing the newsletter–and that’s been about 5 years).
Reaching 10,000 People in One Month
I’ve been busier with newsletters this month even more so than usual. I’ve completed the Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama Spring 2008 newsletter (complete with a redesign), the April 2008 issue of the Sierra Club’s Alabama Sierran, the Birmingham Chapter of the American Institute of Architects Birmingham Chapters March newsletter, a Your Town Alabama newsletter and CGH Insurance Group’s newsletter. Who knows, I may be forgetting a newsletter.
Some of these go out via mail (about 9,500 of them) and about another 1,000-1,200 go out via email. (Both of the mailed newsletters do get posted on the respective websites, so they get additional views as well.)
Anyway, I was adding up the number of people these go out to collectively and I realized that, probably for the first time, I’ve hit the 10,000 person mark for newsletter communications. It just seems pretty cool to me. No real significance to it, really, but I find it secretly pleasing.
Another Newsletter–Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama
Just wrapped up a newsletter for ALZCA. I’ve been doing their newsletter for about 4 years now, and have always wanted to redesign it–I picked it up from their previous designer who moved away. I’ve made small changes to the newsletter each issue, but haven’t ever done a redesign on it until now. I think it turned out pretty good. Clean, simple, and easy to read with ample white space and useful information.
Vance Holder and I spent several weeks working on this–glad to finally get it ready to go to press. You can access the full newsletter as a pdf here: